Casting & Forging Manufacturers and Factories

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Company Profile

Business Type: Manufacturer,Trading Company
Main Products:

Pneumatic Tools


Hydraulic Tools


Air Tools


Air Compressor


Air Sprayer


Air Spray Gun


Air Staplers


Air Nailers


Air Tools Kit


Air Hose

Number of Employees: 6~10
Contact Supplier

The Beswell brand is the recognized leader in design, manufacturing and distribution for professional quality air tools made in China. Major parts and subassemblies are provided by quality manufacturers around the world including the USA and Japan. Our customers can rest assured that the tools we provide include TOP quality components assembled by a knowledgable workforce at

Prices significantly lower than those produced by other companies around the world.

When we develop new products, Beswell Customers/distributors are our main

Driving force and focus, we always listen to our customer's needs, through our excellent communication channels with our partners, distributors and Channel customers, we get to understand very quickly what it is that they are looking and what motivates the new air tools they need in their market

The Quality Assurance system of Beswell complies with EN ISO 11148-6: 2010, EN ISO 11148-8: 2011, EN ISO 11148-9: 2011, EN ISO 11148-11: 2011 etc standard, most of products have CE and GS certificates; In terms of quality, we ensure that all the Beswell branded products that we sell reflect our commitment to providing tools that are extremely reliable and perform. In order to achieve our standards of quality, our tools are tested thoroughly in our factory, using equipment such as testing equipments used in Beswell includes: Computerized fatigue testing machines, digital torque testing machines, multi-functional testing machines, grinding efficiency testers, run-out testers, digital measuring projectors, environmental testing chamber, grinding and polishing machines, infrared tachometers, vibrations testers and decibel level detectors etc

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