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Business Type: Manufacturer,Other
Main Products:

Precision Machining Parts


Metal Parts


Pump parts


Fluid Control



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Turnxon Precision Co., Ltd., was established in 2001 and located in the beautiful Qingxi town Dongguan China with headquarter in Shenzhen China. Turnxon invested 10 million CNY in hi-tec equipments and facilities, and is equipped with more than 10 CNC machining centers, 25 automatic CNC lathes and numerous high precision memeasuring instruments. Turnxon maintains highly outstanding quality by continual investments in hi-tech modern precision machining and measuring equipments and constant skills training for staff. All operations are certificated by ISO regulations.

Trunxon possesses a dedicated workforce of more than 200 employees and more than 50 members senior engineers among our group. We excel in precision-machining components manufacture in fields of industrial application, electrical and electronic devices, telecommunication industry, pharmaceutical industry and new energy and technology industry; Service covers high precision machining, precision casting, moulding, forging, multiple process and more; Turnxon loyally persists in the principles of precision manufacture, details management, sincere service and constant improvement to serve customers and to develop ourselves.

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