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GoIndustry Plc is the global leader in auction sales and valuations of used industrial machinery and equipment. The company combines traditional asset sales experience with innovative eCommerce technology and advanced direct marketing to service the needs of multi-national corporations, insolvency practitioners, dealers and asset based lenders around the world.

Since the company's inception in 1999, it has combined the operations of acquired premium brands such as "Henry Butcher" (UK & South East Asia), "Michael Fox International" (North America) and "Karner & Co" (Germany & Austria) to provide clients with unparalleled sector expertise and geographic reach.

GoIndustry asset disposition services include:
Auction Services - selling more than 250 million euros of used industrial machinery & equipment each year in a wide range of industrial sectors (e. G., manufacturing, telecommunications, textiles and automotive). GoIndustry executes over 600 auction sales per annum. These are comprised of traditional auctions (with simultaneous online webcast) and pure online auctions. The global buyer database of the company ensures a worldwide audience for every auction event. In 2004 the company sold equipment to buyers located in more than 200 countries.
Corporate Solutions - enabling multi-national corporations to optimize the value of their industrial machinery & equipment by providing an innovative combination of asset management and equipment auction services.

Asset Trading - helping selected used equipment dealers to optimize the sales value of their inventory by leveraging GoIndustry's online capabilities and global buyer database.

Consulting Services - providing valuation and remarketing advice concerning industrial machinery and equipment to asset based lenders, corporate recovery specialists and large corporations. The company employs more than forty Valuation professionals who have conducted appraisals in over 30 industrial sectors and 70 countries.

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